C.R. Onsrud
Country Of Origin: USA
US Location: Troutman, NC
Company History:
The Onsrud family's machine manufacturing legacy was born in the heart of the Chicago industrial core and now spans 5 Generations.
Oscar Onsrud and his son Rudy took manufacturing to a new level in 1915 when they built the world's first "Jet Motor" (air turbine) hand router. Since that day, the Onsrud family has become synonymous with cutting materials as well as the entrepreneurial spirit.
Virtually every aircraft built for the U.S. war effort in WWII had parts made on Onsrud routers. Most of those machines are still in use today! Almost every M-1 rifle stock built in the Springfield Armory was made on an Onsrud machine. It is difficult to walk through any major furniture plant worldwide without finding an Onsrud machine in service.
In 1976 Onsrud patented the Inverted Router™, an idea and a machine that revolutionized the woodworking industry, increasing safety and usability.
Today, Onsrud CNC routers are quietly revolutionizing the concept of value by giving you the best-performing machines in the industry at a cost that competitors say is not possible.
As always, competitors will someday offer the innovations we have already introduced, but you can have them today from the innovators - C.R. Onsrud, Inc.